This morning I took my oldest brother Glen to the lagoons to go for a walk. He had arrived a week ago to visit me and today was his last day in Hawaii.

Glen and Cindy

As we approached the second lagoon, he spotted a restaurant and asked if I wanted to eat breakfast there. I said, “okay”, and we went and sat at a table where we enjoyed breakfast with a beautiful view.

My Big Brother Glen

As we sat and waited for the bill, a lady who had just finished eating stood up from her seat and started to walk out of the restaurant. Instead of leaving, she walked up to our table with a big, bright smile on her face. She said, “HELLO” and told us she was a visitor from Buffalo, New York and was happy to be in Hawaii escaping the cold weather. Within a few minutes we learned that she was a widower and a breast cancer survivor. After she left we commented about how nice, friendly and joyful she was. My brother and I wondered why she had just stopped to say hi to us, as the restaurant had many other guests. Perhaps she saw me and could tell I had cancer?

After I got home, my other big brother, Gordon who happens to be the middle child and Mom’s favorite, came to pick up my oldest brother to take him to the airport. We took one final picture together before they left. It HAD to be a bald one since I am resembling them more than ever before these days.

Bald is beautiful

After they left I sat down to do my daily devotions. I began to read in my Praying Through Cancer book. Today’s devotion was entitled HOPE. The first line in the devotion talked about the importance to hear the words, “Cancer Survivor” from others. The second paragraph of this entry said, “I praise Him that He performed the miracle of creating me, healing me and allowing me to experience hope, hope in Him and through HIm. He did this by placing other cancer survivors in my path. How those survivors ministered to me! They were still living as walking, talking, breathing, individuals. This filled my heart with hope!

As I read this I immediately though of the lady at breakfast. It was no coincidence that she came to speak to us. It was encouraging for me to see that although she has been through a great ordeal with cancer and losing her husband, she was thankful, grateful, and filled with so much joy. I wish I had taken a photo of her so you could see her bright smile. I am thankful that God put her in my path today to hear those words that encouraged me and gave me hope.

Tomorrow is a big day in my journey. I will be having a PET scan from 9am till 11am so I would really appreciate your prayers. I need divine intervention and a miraculous healing. I’ve been told that my cancer is very challenging to cure but I know that with God, all things are possible. My hope is in Him, I trust His perfect plan, therefore I have peace!

I have been feeling good this week. Having my brothers here has been great. It was so special for us to all be together as a family after so many years.

Santiago Familia

My Dad who has dementia was so happy. It was so good to see him smile so much this week.

My brother Glen brought us some Puerto Rican gifts from his home in New York. As he spoke spanish to my Dad, my dad would laugh and he even responded in a way a few times where we really felt he knew who we were and what we were talking about. That was such a blessing.

Cindy, Dad and Glen

As my oldest brother left today, I told him not to worry about me. I was grateful that I have so much peace. I told him that I really am experiencing a peace that surpasses all understanding. I am so thankful for that.

Tomorrow will be my scan and then less than 24 hours later I should have results that will determine what the next steps in this journey will be. I am believing that I will see a victory. A miraculous healing! But no matter what the results are, I am at peace because of the hope that I have in Christ. A hope that I was reminded of today when God sent an angel to my table to encourage me.

In conclusion, I want to share a verse that was a part of today’s reading. I hope you will find it uplifting and encouraging as you face whatever is happening today in your journey.

Psalm 33:18-22

But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love, to deliver them from death and keep them alive in famine. We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name. May your unfailing love be with us, Lord, even as we put our hope in you.

With love, hope and blessings,



Good News!


Football and Faith