Paws and Paper Craft Along and Create with Heart
We are excited to come together to honor the furry friends who are always by our sides. So many of us have family members who happen to have 4 legs and are cats or dogs - but that doesn’t make them any less important to us. These special friends love us unconditionally, and we love them right back. The 6 of us wanted to get together to honor our furry friends as well as support a friend who has just had some unexpected veterinary expenses.<br><br></br>

Aloha Card Club - March 2025
Our March Aloha Card Club will feature a “garden” variety of cards featuring some of our newest Stampin’ Up! products. You’ll create 4 beautiful cards that all feature the Floral Delight Designer Series Paper AND Floral & Gingham Vellum. <br><br></br>

Feb 2025 Aloha Card Club
I have something extra special planned for our February Aloha Card Club. We will be creating 8 cards using the beautiful Card Keeper Kit. This gorgeous card storage container comes with everything you need to make an assortment of cards for various occasions. <br><br></br>

Jan 25 Aloha Card Club
An event went out yesterday with the wrong information. Here is the link with the updated information for the Cindy and Missy’s “For the Love of Paper” card class. <br><br></br>
We are starting the New Year by launching a monthly collaboration with the Make Lemonade Project, a local group that supports cancer patients in Hawaii. Our goal is to send a box of hand-stamped cards each month to brighten the spirits of cancer patients at the Pali Momi Cancer Center.<br><br></br>

Surfin’ Santa Cookie and Card Class
Surfin’ Santa Cookie and Card Class
You’re Invited to our Surfin’ Santa Cookie and Card Class!!!
When: Friday, December 6, 2024
Time: 6:00 pm
Where: Aiea Park Place Recreation Center, 99-854 Mea’ala Street, Aiea, HI
Hosted by Cindy of Stamped With Aloha and Cindy of Zoe, Hawaii
Class Description:
This year we are going Hawaiian style as our class projects will feature Surfin’ Santa and the brand new Happy Hibiscus Bundle! We’ve been told we are Birds of a Feather that flock together!!! So it’s appropriate that all of our paper crafted projects will feature the Nest of Winter Designer Series Paper.
Class Includes:
All of the cut, scored, die cut Card Stock and Designer Paper to create
2 Fun Fold Surfin’ Santa Cards
2 Surfin’ Santa Diorama Gift Card Boxes
2 Hibiscus Belly Band Tags
4 Custom Made Surfboard Cookies packaged in a boxed set of 2
1/2 Pack Nest of Winter Designer Paper, cut down to 6 x 6 sheets
1 Tombo Multipurpose Glue
1 Sheet Dimensionals
Class Video Tutorial
Class PDF Supply Sheet
Cost $35.00 (add $10 for shipping if you’re not able to attend in person and want your kit shipped)
Want extra sets of these projects and cookies to give as gifts? Order a second class kit and you will receive a free set of Pool Party Stampin’ Blend markers for FREE with your purchase.
If you would like to order the “kit to go”, you will need to add on the Surfin’ Santa Stamp set.
Since we will be embossing and die cutting for you you won’t need to add the Happy Hibiscus Bundle but we think you’re gonna want it so you will have the option of adding it to your order too. You will also need Stampin’ Blends to color Santa, as well as Memento Black and Daffodil Delight Stamp Pads.
We think you are going to love the Surfin’ Santa Set and the Happy Hibiscus Bundle. If you want your projects to look exactly like mine and are NOT coming to the live class, you will need to order the stamp sets. So be sure to contact me so I can order what you need. As with all of my classes you are always welcome to substitute with other products you already have in your collection.
Below are the prices for the Add-On Options. These prices include tax and shipping. (this offer is only available in the USA)
- Surfin Santa Set $20.92
- Happy Hibiscus Bundle $68.87
- Both $89.79
Contact me directly if you want to order any of these gorgeous new products.
We are SO excited about this fun collaboration and hope you will love the fun colors and designs we’ve come up with for our 2024 holiday collaboration.
With Aloha,
Cindy and Cindy
Registration will close on November 29th or while supplies last. Since this class includes custom cookies, supplies are limited.

Deer Friends Holiday Crafting Event
Deer Friends Holiday Crafting Event
When: Saturday, November 2, 2024
Time: 10am - 2pm
Where: Salvation Army Kroc Center, Koa Ballroom
91-3257 Kualakai Parkway, Ewa Beach, HI 96706
Registration Fee: $85
All the cut, scored, die cut card stock and designer series paper to create six (6) holiday projects
a variety of consumable Stampin’ Up! products to be used to complete your projects
5 special guest presentations from demonstrators joining us from all across the US and Canada.
Video Tutorials of your make-and-take projects
PDF Supply Sheet
Card Displays
Huge Retired Stamp Sale with 50% rebate
Prize Patrol
Opportunity to win one of five (5) Grand Prize Baskets
Bento Lunch
Optional Holiday Card Swap (see below for more info)
Opportunity to be a blessing to the Kroc Center by bringing a toy donation
Exclusive bake sale by Cindy Ontai of Zoe, Hawaii
Inspiration, Creativity, Sharing and FUN with FRIENDS
Optional Holiday Card Swap
Participate in an optional card swap! Create a holiday card (NO 3D’s) using current Stampin’ Up! supplies and products. Do not put your name on the swap, instead put your name on a separate slip of paper or Post-it note attached to your card. Please place your cards in clear envelopes. Once all your swaps are completed, place them in a clear Ziploc gallon bag with your name on it. This swap will not exceed 40 so don’t begin working on your swaps until you receive confirmation that you are in.
Swap cards must be turned in by October 15th to Berdina Kubo or the demonstrator you registered with. You can pick up your completed swaps at the event.
We have an opportunity to be a “deer friend” to the Salvation Army by supporting their Breakfast With Santa Event. Would you consider bringing a toy to donate?
Here are some guidelines.
New Toys
Age appropriate for 0 - 12 years old
Books are a good choice too!
Toys that look like weapons
Toys with candy or food
Toys with chemicals (i.e. experimental labs, acid, crystal rock projects, etc)
If you bring a toy to donate you will receive an extra door prize ticket at our event.
This is the event you WON’T want to miss as we gather with FRIENDS and create festive and fun projects you will love.
Registration is open now and will close on September 30th or when all spots are full. Don’t delay, RSVP today.

David’s Night Of Navy
David’s Night Of Navy
Joining “MISSION DUBOIS” to raise funds for ALS with LOVE AND STRENGH
When: Friday, October 18, 2024
Where: Aiea Public Library
Time: 6:00 pm
Cost $25
Our dear friend David DuBois has been battling ALS for 3 years. His wife Laura has been a part of the Stamped With Aloha family for the past 24 years which mean she and David are family to us. David has embraced his challenges with courage and a mission to make a difference by raising awareness about ALS.
David is a HUGE Dallas Cowboys fan so we invite you to come to this event dressed in Navy or in the colors of your favorite sports team, if you so desire. We called it Night of Navy not only because of the Cowboys but also because all 3 make and takes use Night of Navy Card Stock and Ink. The make and takes also feature a beautiful NEW stamp set called Love and Strength. That is something we hope David will feel as we raise funds in his honor.
3 Night Of Navy Make and Takes that feature the Love and Strength Stamp Set
“Tailgate” food by Chef Craig
a portion of your fee will be donated to David’s Team
Register for this class to attend “in person” or “ship to me” (if you choose “ship to me” you will need a Night Of Navy Stamp Pad and the Love and Strength stamp set to complete your projects OR you can substitute with an alternative stamp set from your collection).
Make a donation to support Mission DuBois for their October Walk A Thon. Click on the following link to make your donation and help us reach our goal: TEAM MISSION DUBOIS
Be one of the 10 people I am looking for to WALK WITH ME at 5:30pm around the Aiea Library Parking lot, 30 minutes before we open the doors for our Night Of Navy Event. I have 10 Mission DuBois hats to give to those who will walk with me (first come/first served). You can see David modeling the hat in the photo below.
Did you know my nickname for David is “OREO”?
Cindy Ontai of Zoe, Hawaii will have some AMAZING Oreo Sweets and Treats available for purchase at this event as a way to help us raise additional funds for David’s Team.
Our goal is to raise $1,000 for Mission DuBois as well as awareness to help fund a cure for ALS.

October 2024 Aloha Card Club
October 2024 Aloha Card Club
Our monthly Aloha Card Club falls on a very special day this year!! Come and celebrate WORLD CARD MAKING DAY with me by making some super special cards!
We’ll be kicking off the holiday season making 4 Diorama Cards that are SURE to make you SMILE.
When: Saturday, October 5, 2024
Time: 10am - 1pm
Where: Cindy’s House Kapolei
Class Cost $30
All the cut, die cut, scored, pieces of card stock and designer paper to create 4 over the top Diorama Cards
Wink Of Stella Brush
Light Refreshments
You will love to learn how easy it is to make WOW cards that POP and SHINE!
I can’t wait to share these projects with you.

End Of Summer Sunshine Celebration
End Of Summer Sunshine Celebration
Our Sunshine Celebration Class is going to be FULL of Sunshine and Rainbows and colorful projects you won’t want to miss. You will discover, “it’s HIP to be SQUARE” as we teach you how to make fabulous and fun projects in various SQUARE shapes. We will be featuring the fun “Full of Life” Designer Series Paper, the Bright Skies Dies and the Choose Happy stamp set. We used the Choose Happy Stamp set to make the smiling face on the sun but you can substitute with a black thin marker and draw your own. However, we will be showing you alternative projects that might make you want to add the Choose Happy stamp set to your collection.
We can’t wait to see you face to face on ZOOM and hope you are going to LOVE this class as much as we are going to enjoy sharing these fun sunshine themed projects with you.
Here’s the details:
When: Saturday, August 31st, 2024
Where: Via Zoom - (Link to Zoom Meeting will be provided at a later time)
Time: 10:00 am Hawaii Standard Time
Kit includes:
All the cardstock and die cut pieces to complete 2 Square Fun Fold Cards, 1 Square Gift Card Holder and 1 Square Flip Flop Album
Dots for Days embellishments
Assorted Sample of Full Of Life Designer Series Paper
PDF Supply Sheet with bonus alternate project photos
and sunny surprises to delight.
Additional tools you will need:
Adhesive Of Your Choice
Choose Happy Stamp Set OR Black marker for drawing smiley face
Cost to attend: $35 (add $10 for shipping if needed)
Be there or BE SQUARE!!
We love you :)
Cindy and Missy
ps. This class will be recorded. In the event you can’t be there at that time you can watch the replay and put together these projects on your own time.

August Aloha Card Club
August Aloha Card Club
Join me for my next Aloha Card Club
When: Saturday, August 3rd, 2024
Where: Cindy’s House - Kapolei
Time: 10:00 am
At this month’s Aloha Card Club we will be making a boxed set of cards that was created by altering the Garden Of Thanks Kit by Stampin’ Up!. In honor of my 25th Anniversary I will also be bringing back my favorite stamp image of all time, a vintage hula girl stamp from the retired, Do The Hula set. This beautiful stamp image will be featured on the front of the box and on one of the cards.
You will receive instruction on how to make the box and the four cards and you will have enough leftover supplies to create 3 more cards following the original kit instructions.
Cost to attend: $30
Light Refreshments will be served.

Celebrating 25 Years of Faith, Hope and ALOHA
Celebrating 25 Years of Faith, Hope, and ALOHA
July 19, 2024 is my official 25th anniversary with Stampin Up!. To celebrate I am hosting a special in person event at the Aiea Public Library.
Date: July 19, 2024
Time: 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Where: 99-374 Pohai Place, Aiea (Aiea Public Library Conference Room)
At this event you’ll learn to create 3 boxes and 3 gift card holders using the Expressions of Kindness Kit.
In addition you will receive 3 each of #alohanotes notecards of faith, hope and aloha which you can include in your project boxes.
Enjoy Hawaiian Food, Games and Prizes as we celebrate my 25 years of Faith, Hope and Aloha with Stampin’ Up!
25 Years of Faith Hope and Aloha Event Includes:
• Expressions of Kindness Kit (a $23 Value)
• All of the cut, scored Card Stock Pieces to create a Faith, Hope and Aloha box
• Printable sentiment options to match project of your choice
• Cookie Favor by Cindy Ontai of Zoe, Hawaii
• Hawaiian Food by Chef Craig
• Door Prizes (with an opportunity to win one of 6 $25 Gift Certificates by placing an order of $25 or more)
• Inspiration, Creativity, Fellowship and FUN as we celebrate my 25th year together!
Cost to attend: $25 ($45 value)
Can’t attend? Purchase a “kit to go” option and add $10 for shipping.

July Aloha Card Club
July Aloha Card Club (NEW)
Join me for a new card class featuring the latest product by Stampin’ Up!
At this class you’ll learn a unique fun fold pattern that is featured on the cards you will create.
The cards are really FUN, they each have sparkle and a touch of gold! These cards are designed to be used for a variety of occasions.
Class Includes:
All the cut, scored, die-cut Card Stock and Specialty Designer Paper to create 4 fun fold cards and a card holder
Embellishments to add sparkle to your projects
Basic White Envelopes
Light Refreshments will be served
In honor of my 25th anniversary with Stampin’ Up! this class will cost $25.
This class was designed as an “in person” class but you can purchase a kit to go and then use the supplies in the kit along with stamp sets of your own. Can’t attend or pick up? Just add $8 shipping to receive a kit in the mail in which you can customize using your own stamps.
City Sights with Cindy and Missy
City Sights with Cindy and Missy
We visited New York City to celebrate our friendship and our 25th Stampaversaries!
We know you'll love making these stylish projects inspired by our trip, featuring fun folds and specialty papers.
Your to-go class includes:
City Sights Kits Collection Kit which includes:
stamp set, ink spot, and clear block;
Supplies for alternate projects designed by Cindy and Missy; and video tutorials.
Alternate Product Supplies used:
Textured Metallics Speciality Paper
Window Sheets
Basic Beige 3/4” birdered Ribbon
Clear Envelopes
Cardstock in various colors
Cost is $35 plus $8 if shipping is required

A Garden Of Hope Paper Crafting Fundraiser
Stamped With Aloha Presents:
A Garden Of Hope Paper Crafting Fundraiser <br><br></br>
Goal: To raise 10K during the month of April for the Make Lemonade Project <br><br></br>
In honor of Lucille Santiago <br><br></br>
Lucille Santiago was Cindy Baughman’s Mom. She was a hard-working woman who loved God, her family, and her garden. Lucille died in February of 2023 after a short battle with Colon Cancer. As part of the Make Lemonade Projects 12 Lemons of Legacy Campaign, Stamped With Aloha will be raising funds in Lucille’s honor during the month of April 2024, which is her birthday month. <br><br></br>
Come and create some beautiful projects using the latest products from Stampin’ Up! You don’t have to be a crafter to attend or purchase a kit. These projects are colorful, fun, and perfect to bless and brighten the day of someone you love. These cards filled with positive messages were designed with cancer care in mind. <br><br></br>
Two Different Event Dates & Times: <br><br></br>
EVENT 1: <br></br>
Garden of Hope Paper Crafting Event - OAHU <br></br>
When: Saturday, April 13, 2024 <br></br>
Where: Koa Ballroom at Salvation Army Kroc Center <br></br>
Time: 10 am - 2:00 pm <br></br>
Cost: $85 <br><br></br>
EVENT 2: <br><br></br>
Garden of Hope Paper Crafting Event - MAUI <br></br>
When: Saturday, April 20, 2024 <br></br>
Where: St. Anthonys Hall Cafeteria <br></br>
Time: 10 am - 2:00 pm <br></br>
Cost: $85 <br><br></br>

It’s A Paper Crafting Panda Party
Love is in the air at my next in-person class!!! I am hosting a Paper Crafting PANDA PARTY on
Saturday, February 10th, just in time for Valentine’s Day!!! The projects in the class were
designed using our new Panda Friends Kit. The projects are super SWEET but want to know
what makes them even SWEETER????? This class is a Cookie and Card Collaboration Class
with Cindy Ontai of Zoe, Hawaii and you will love the cookies she has designed to go with this
The class will include:
• Panda Friends Kit ($13 value)
• Extra Card Stock that has been pre-punched and die-cut for you to use on your projects
• 1/2 pack Basic White Note Cards and Envelopes
• 4 Treat Boxes to hold custom cookies that will coordinate with the projects in the class (each box will contain 2 small cookies)
• Project Video
• Supply Sheet with Project Photos
• Light Refreshments (if taking this class in person)
You will leave this class with 4 panda cards and 4 coordinating boxes that are filled with
custom cookies. You will also take home extra supplies from the Panda Kit that will allow you
to make even more cards.
In the event you can’t come, you can purchase a kit to go and you can make the projects using
my project video in the comfort of your home. If you aren’t able to pick up your kit there is also
a ship to me option. Just know that the cookies that are shipped will not arrive in time for
Valentine’s Day but since it’s still early in the month you can continue to spread love by sharing
the cute projects in this class with your loved ones and friends.
Space is limited so don’t delay, RSVP today!!!

"Let's Par-Tea" Paper Share Class To-Go with Cindy and Missy
Cindy Baughman and Missy Shipman both joined Stampin' Up! as independent demonstrators in 1999. We are celebrating our 25th anniversary year in style, and kicking it off with a "Par-Tea" featuring the beautiful new Designer Series Papers in the Jan-April 2024 Mini Catalog. We are excited to partner again and share with you a fun, colorful class! Join us to receive a 6X6 sampler of all eight new designs, plus a bonus surprise assortment of the Sale-a-Bration offerings!

Christmas Advent Kit Together
Have you heard about our new Rustic Christmas Advent Calendar Kit? This beautiful new kit has inspired my latest “Cookie” collaboration with Cindy Ontai of Zoe, Hawaii. <br> </br>
Join me at my home on November 25th (the Saturday after Thanksgiving) to put together your advent calendar and fill it with 25 custom cookies created by Cindy. You can take your kit and go or make yourself a cup of cocoa, listen to some Christmas music and put your kit together in the comfort of my home. <br> </br>
All the details can be found on the website

Spirit of Giving Stamp Camp
Get ready to be inspired for the upcoming holiday season as we celebrate the release of our brand-new Mini Catalog! <br> </br>

Let's Kit Together On World Card Making Day
Let’s Kit Together On World Card Making Day <br> </br>
All the details can be found on the website

Festive Tags and Treat Class
Festive Tags and Treat Class <br><br></br>
When: Saturday, September 2, 2023 10AM <br><br></br>
Where: Cindy’s Home Kapolei <br><br></br>
Cost: $25 (In person or Pick up) $35 (Kit mailed to you) Registration open now through Monday, August 28th, or while supplies last.<br><br></br>

July “Just My Type” Card Class with Cindy and Missy
Raising funds and awareness for ALS Association. You’re Invited To Help Make A Difference! It's Easy…. <br><br></br>
July “Just My Type” Card Class with Cindy and Missy <br><br></br>
To show support for our sister demonstrator, Laura Dubois, whose husband, David, is living with ALS, our efforts will contribute to David’s team goal of raising $20,000. <br><br></br>
Get all the details in the post

New Catalog Open House
Join Berd and I as we celebrate the release of the new 2023-2024 Stampin’ Up! Catalog <br><br></br>
Pick up a free copy of the new catalog
Shop at a huge retired stamp sale with 50% rebate offer!!!
Door prizes
Fun favor for all in attendance
Optional Forever Friends Card Class
Light refreshments

This is a hybrid event as we transition back to in-person gatherings! Choose a session then join us to pick up your kit and prize patrol, stamp your projects, shop the retired products sale, and check-out the project displays featuring team favorites from the new mini catalog. Then, assemble your projects at home while watching the project videos.
Event will be held on Saturday, February 25, 2023
Registration deadline is Tuesday, January 31, 2023 so sign up before the slots fill up!

Cindy and Berd’s Card Cafe’
We have a brand new class to kick off the new year! It is called, Cindy and Berd’s Card Cafe’. We hope you can join us Sunday, January 22, 2023 from 12 pm til 2 pm.
Registration is January 1st-January 14th or until supplies last. Space is limited so don’t delay. RSVP today.
Sweet Gingerbread Cookie and Card Class
Sweet Gingerbread Cookie and Card Class
The deadline to order this kit is Sunday, November 20, 2022 or while supplies last
In this sweet Gingerbread Cookie and Card Class, you will create 3 Embossed Gingerbread Cookie Cards along with cute paper-crafted packaging for 3 custom made sugar cookies designed to match your cards. There will also be an option to purchase additional cookie boxes for your holiday gifting.
Kit Contains:
All the cut, scored, die cut, embossed card stock to create 3 cards and 3 cookie boxes
Kraft gift boxes
1/2 pack white notecards and envelopes
1/2 pack iridescent rhinestones
3 custom made gingerbread house sugar cookies
A sheet of dimensionals
Video tutorial
PDF supply sheet
To complete the projects in this class you will need the following:
Sweet Gingerbread Bundle (save 10% when you get the bundle)
Sweet Gingerbread Photopolymer Stamp Set
Gingerbread House Dies
If you take the class at my home you will be using my supplies and won’t need anything to complete the projects! Unless you want to purchase the bundle cause it is SO CUTE!
Want Extra Cookie Boxes?
Order a bundle of 10 Custom Sweet Gingerbread House Sugar Cookies. They will come with the supplies to decorate 10 Kraft Gift Boxes so you will have 10 gifts to give to loved ones this holiday season. Supplies are limited for the extra cookie kits, so don’t delay, RSVP today.
*We will pack the cookies with care but we guarantee that they won’t crack or break during shipping.
You have 3 class options for this class.
Saturday, December 3th at 10am HST at my home in Kapolei, HI
Sunday, December 4th at 4pm HST at my home in Kapolei, HI
Follow video tutorials which will be sent to you via email.
I hope you can join me for this sweet class!
Stamped Blessings,

Cindy’s Tropical Paper Crafting Pa’ina!!
Click on the class title to read all the details.

Click on the class title to read all the details.