The Coconut Bra

I was very emotional as I worked on my latest video. The project was a Hula Girl box that I filled with a piece of Hawaiian Host Chocolate.

Hula Girl Box

As I die cut the “Coconut Bra” for my Hula Girl Box, I immediately remembered something Jay Bauwin had said. Jay was the husband of demonstrator Linda Bauwin.

I met Jay and Linda at a Stampin’ Up! convention in 2003, 12 years before this photo was taken!

Linda and Jay Bauwin

As I sat near Jay, at that event, I noticed how involved he was with his wife’s business. Jay would tell others, “Linda worked along side of me at our hardware store for 24 years to help me fulfill my dream, so now it’s time for me to work along side her to help with her dream”. Working joyfully along side of her was exactly what Jay did.

At our large Stampin’ Up! events, Jay would often be seen trading swap cards. He would always be smiling as he collected ideas that he hoped would inspire Linda. On more than one occasion I would hear Jay say, “I love being at these events!! Where else can you go where hundreds of women hug and kiss you, while your wife stands there and smiles”. Jay was a very special person with a heart of gold.

In May of 2015, the Stampin’ Up! Incentive trip was to Oahu. We held a special fundraising event called, “Birthdays and Blessings” to raise funds for Hope Lodge, Hawaii. As well as celebrate Kim, who had recently finished going through some health challenges.

Linda, and these other fabulous women pictured below, presented at this special event.

Pam Morgan, Ronda Wade, Kim Williams, Cindy Baughman, Linda Bauwin and Dawn Griffith

The day before the event, Dawn Griffith and her husband Richard arrived and we met up with Linda and Jay. I walked them down to the ballroom just to show them where the event would be taking place the next day. It was then that Jay and Rich went into action. My friend Annie who was helping to coordinate this event was so impressed. They were just supposed to look at the room to see where to show up the next morning. However, instead they looked at Annie and said, “what do we need to do, let’s get to work”, and that is exactly what they did.

Jay and Richard

Rich and Jay had the opportunity to get to know one another better not only during this event but we also toured the island together and they came to my home for a luau. It was great to see these two work together. What a dream team of loving demonstrator support!

We made a lot of great memories that week! Memories that I will cherish forever.

Richard and Jay

So, by. now you might be asking…. what does all of this have to do with a coconut bra?

Here’s the story.

A couple months after that trip to Hawaii, we were all back in Salt Lake City for our annual Stampin’ Up! convention. One evening, I went to dinner with Kim, Linda and Jay. The subject of making YouTube videos came up and Kim, Linda and Jay were encouraging me to make them. I strongly objected because I had no idea how to make one and it seemed overwhelming to me. Kim and Linda continued to throw out all these crazy ideas as to how I could get subscribers by doing something unique and fun that would work for me because I live in Hawaii. As they shared ideas, Jay sat quietly eating his dessert. He was listening intently and would nod his head in agreement with the words of encouragment shared with me that evening. Then Kim said, “I KNOW, you could film your videos wearing a COCONUT BRA!!! That might boost your views!!” Jay quickly sat up and his eyes widened and he said, ‘I’d subscribe to that channel”. We all laughed and laughed.

Little did we know that exactly one month from that day, Jay would no longer be with us. Jay, passed away on his way home from running an errand on August 17th, 2015.

When, I think about the sequence of events and the quality time we got to spend together prior to his passing. I am so grateful. I am also grateful to be a part of a company that has blessed me with the opportunity to build friendships with people from all over the globe who have become family to me. When I think of the numerous demonstrators I am close with, in many cases the relationship extends from them to their spouses and children, too.

A short time after Jay passed, Linda hit a MILLION DOLLARS in career sales with Stampin’ Up!. I know it was hard for her to celebrate this momentous occasion without Jay by her side but Linda bravely pressed forward doing her best to continue to live out the dream that Jay supported so well. Linda has a passion for creativity and helping others. Linda and Jay shared that passion with me five years ago, over dinner in a restaurant. I am grateful that 5 years later, I am now making videos! They aren’t perfect, I’m still learning and I haven’t felt led to make one wearing a coconut bra. I did, however, make this one demonstrating how you can create a coconut bra and put it on a box filled with chocolate.

Linda’s faith, strength and perseverance continue to uplift and inspire me today. Kind of like a Coconut Bra. After all, friends are like BRAS, close to your heart and there to lift you up!

I did it Jay!! I made a video and this one is dedicated to you!

In loving memory


August 7, 1953 ~ August 17, 2015 (age 62)


Dear Paper Pumpkin,


Hawaii Graduations