My Sweet Friend

Meet my sweet friend, demonstrator Zeny Lucey.

Demonstrator Zeny Lucey

For over a decade my life has been blessed to have Zeny as a part of my Stamped With Aloha Ohana. Zeny is such a kind and sweet person. She is also an excellent crafter. In fact, she is a master at making boxes and 3D Projects.

Over the past few years, Zeny would drive from the East side of the island where she lives, to come to my studio to stamp with me. The moment she arrive she would always start by unpacking her craft supplies along with whatever unique snack she brought. One of the things I love about Zeny is how she describes her snacks. “OOOOOH, look what I brought, it’s CHOOOOOCOOLATE,” she might say! Of course while describing her snack she always has a huge smile on her face and a twinkle in her eye like a child on Christmas morning.

Sometimes her snacks were so addicting, I would put a post it note by them to remind myself to STOP eating them.

When Covid hit our weekly in person get togethers stopped, but that didn’t hinder us from stamping together. In fact, I think we ended up stamping together even more when we discovered that we could do it via ZOOM.

During one of our recent Zoom stamping sessions, Zeny shared this fun project with me. She called it her Multi Pocket Gift Card Holder.

Here is what the project looks like on the outside.

Multi Pocket Gift Card Holder

When you take the belly band off, inside you will find multiple pockets.

Multi Pocket Gift Card Holder

The thing I love about this project is that you don’t need to use a scoring tool. You can fold this entire project by hand.

When Zeny shared this idea with me, it was not with the Sweet Ice Cream Bundle. However, I knew that for my first attempt at making this project, I wanted to make it for Zeny. So I choose products from the Ice Cream Corner Suite because I know how much Zeny loves Ice Cream. Having a small scoop is a part of her nightly routine!

The Ice Cream Corner DSP (Designer Series Paper) has a lot of fun designs so it really doesn’t matter what piece of paper you choose, this project will turn out amazing.

Here is the one I mailed to Zeny. It was done with the Old Olive Polka Dot piece of DSP.

Multi Pocket Gift Card Holder

Want to learn how to create this project? Here is a video tutorial I created that you can follow.

Although I miss stamping with Zeny in person there are some benefits to us stamping virtually! Zeny is saving a lot of money on gas and I am no longer tempted by her addictive snacks and treats!!

I hope that when Zeny receives the gift card I sent in this project she will enjoy using it to buy some ice cream or gelato for her nightly ritual. Now that I think about it, NO WONDER she is so sweet!! It must be from all that ice cream!!

Mahalo Zen-Zen for sharing this fun project with me and for being such a kind, loving and supportive friend all these years.

I am grateful for you sweet friend!!!


Hey Girlfriend


Pink Pineapple Paper Pumpkin